Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Did an Eating Disorder Kill Brittany Murphy?

The jury is still out when it comes to cause of death, of 32 year old actress Brittany Murphy. It has been rumored (although not confirmed) that Murphy struggled with bulimia and drug use to control her weight. A full body autopsy and toxicology report will not be release for a couple more weeks. In the meantime, we only know that she died due to cardiac arrest, and we can speculate that it came as a result of the eating disorder bulimia nervosa. In 1995, Murphy sported a healthy physique in movie "Clueless," and in most recent years her frail frame has been at the center of concern and speculation. There are no results as to exact cause of death as of currently, but I wouldn't be suprised to find out that bulimia or anorexia played a major role in the outcome of her passing.

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