Sunday, November 22, 2009

Teens: Pressure: What parents can do

In this day in age, teenagers are under tremendous pressure to uphold an unrealistic image that the media puts out there. Whether it is in magazines, movies, or the fashion & music industry, the pressure to look like their favorite model, actor, or singer enters a teens mind nearly every day. Teenage girls and even guys will go to extreme measures to get thin or stay thin, even if that means starving themselves to death, purging after meals, or overexercising to the point of exhaustion and osteoporosis. I want to list a few warning signs for parents to watch for if they think their son or daughter might be developing an eating disorder:

  • Keep an eye out on the types of clothing he/she is wearing. It is common for teens to hide excessive weight loss under baggy pants and extra large t-shirts.

  • Take notice of their behaviors during and after meal time. Anorexics will cut their food into small pieces, and shuffle it around the plate. They will do whatever it takes not to eat. Bulimics tend to go the bathroom immediately after a meal to purge. Also, eating in secrecy is another cause for concern.

  • Also be aware of your teens body perception. If he/she is constantly making statements like, "I look fat", "My thighs are too heavy", or "My belly is too big," this is an indicator of a poor body image that often times can lead to an eating disorder.

1 comment:

  1. i agree with you, i'm a teenager so i can really understand those stuff! ^^
